Stage and Studio

October 8, 2021

One way to get involved in the school community is by joining one of the arts programs. Walking through the halls of Shawnee Mission West you see many works of art climbing up the walls, some even reaching the ceiling.          The sounds of singing and instruments fill the building, bringing joy to the students

listening. The art department is one of the largest in the district, with many different facilities. Ryane Jewell, former art student and one of the art teachers, told a few types of classes someone could take. 

“We have a lot of art classes here, everything from our intro to AP classes. We have specialty classes, digital photography, darkroom photography, 

drawing classes, painting classes, jewelry and sculpture classes.” Jewell said.

     Students can support the art department by simply walking around the art gallery, or following the Instagram page to stay up to date with shows and 

budding artists.

The theatre program plays a big part in the school community. Every year the school puts on three shows.

“This year we are doing the musical The Drowsy Chaperon, which I can only explain as a love letter to Broadway musicals. We are also doing The Crucible, which is a play about the Salem witch trials. And the nerd, which is a comedy about an architect,” Theater director Eric Magnus said. 

Actress Faryn Clevenger was the lead of last year’s musical Mamma Mia, and shared what made her join the theater.

 “I had always loved singing and performing in front of my parents, my mom signed me up for my first show when I was seven and I have just loved it ever since.”

James Collett is a set crew leader and part of the tech crew he says “If you want to be an electrician do lights. Like woodworking? Help with sets! Costumes, makeup, actors, they are all needed.”

Ben Phillips is the vice president of the executive board in the drama program. “Theater has done so much, even though I have just worked on tech, it has expanded people I know, how comfortable I am with speaking, and just thinking about acting in general.”

Community is very important in the theater program. “Although we don’t have as many things because of covid restrictions, we are still one big happy family. Everyone belongs in theater, whether you do stuff with tech, with sound and lights, or if you’re acting, singing, dancing, you have a place.” Tate Jackson, Thespian President. 

Theater is open to everyone, freshman-senior, and they are always looking for new members!

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