A Lesson on Lockhart
I sat down with the sculpting and ceramics teacher Ms. Lockhart to get some in-depth information on her life and her second year here.
Q: When did you get interested in ceramics?
A: I started in high school when my family moved to Manhattan, Ks. The previous town we lived in was very small and didn’t have much of an art program.
Q: Did you end up going to K-State?
A: Yes! My initial idea for college was to major in education for elementary schools but ended up getting a bachelors in art and an emphasis in ceramics.
Q: What did you end up doing after college?
A: I taught art at a middle school in Colorado.
Q: Did you ever show any of your pieces?
A: I did, I entered in the Kansas Art Education Association. You could enter two pieces, I entered a ceramic sculpture and a copper bowl and won.
Q: What’s your favorite things about ceramics?
A: I like how malleable clay is, you can create anything.
Q: Wheel or sculpting?
A: I like building things more, with the wheel you can only make circular things and I like to push the clay.
Q: What do you do over the summer?
A: I teach art to kids K-8 through Shawnee Mission District. Three weeks in June and Three weeks in July five days a week.
Q: Where did you teach before West?
A: Shawnee Mission Northwest.
Q: How are you liking West so far?
A: Love it very comfortable.