West Competes at BV Southwest Cheer Festival
More stories from Chris Lipford, Writer
The cheer squad performs their opening chant in front of a large crowd
Shawnee Mission West cheer took on other cheerleading squads on November 12 at Blue Valley Southwest.
Each team was designated a time to perform. The squads did cheers about their schools and then performed a dance after.
Judges sat front and center to evaluate each team and score them on a ranking from one to three. One being the best and three being the worst.
The competition started off around 10 a.m,with the middle schools, and ended around 2 p.m, with the rest of the high schools.
The teams competing were the Shawnee Mission, Olathe, St, Thomas Aquinas, and Gardner Edgerton, and Blue Valley Districts. West arrived earlier in the morning, but did not perform until 12:30 p.m.
However when the time came, the squad was ready to go. The squad came out with their game faces on and performed very well.
West walked out onto the matt floor in locked arms ready to perform for the crowd and judges.
They started off with chants and cheers about the Vikings. While the cheers were going on, some of the cheer and yell leaders did stunts, round offs, flips, and other gymnastics.
A remix of popular songs came on and the team did their dance routine. The dance routine also consisted of stunts and tumbling, but was set to music. The dance lasted for 5 minutes and went very well.
The overall performance wen very well with only a few mistakes. While tumbling, a cheerleader went off of the matt and deducted a few points. The other mistake was during a stunt someone was dropped. Besides those slip ups, the routine went very well.
The squad received a two rating from the judges later in the day. For those who didn’t attend, West cheer will be displaying their competition routine at the WPA pep assembly.